Tagged: Brad Pitt

New Rules

New Rules

I’m a big fan of Wired magazine, personally. Not because I’m a tech nerd, but because it’s a smart publication with entertaining and informative articles about aspects of our modern society that are relevant, even though...

More Brad ain’t bad

More Brad ain’t bad

Two things you can rely on these days: there’s no shortage in the blogosphere of heated debates about remakes, “reimaginings” and various comic book and super hero movies. The other is The Playlist’s reliable scouting ability,...

Diane Kruger is a Basterd, too

Diane Kruger is a Basterd, too

Ah, so the plot thickens. Brad Pitt and Eli Roth (which we brought to you exclusively) are Basterds already, and so is Diane Kruger, now. Check it out below (or here at TwitPic). The poster comes...

Brad Pitt is a Basterd

Brad Pitt is a Basterd

It’s labor day in most parts of the world (at least I think) and I didn’t even think there might be anything to write about at the end of this long and event-free friday, but the...

Inglourious what?

Inglourious what?

Has Quentin Tarantino made movies before? How do you actually pronounce Inglourious Basterds? Does the movie take place during World War II? Is it a movie about World War II? Find out below, in the excerpt...

Tarantino shoots some Basterds in Paris

For only two days, Quentin Tarantino will shoot scenes for Inglourious Basterds in Paris, even though most, if i not all, of the movie takes place in France. Seen below is a picture published in Le...