Little update
It’s some sort of a slow week again, in terms of Inglourious Basterds (note that we’re no longer calling it Inglorious Bastards anymore) at least, but that’s not too bad. While I’m busy with school and some Spaghetti Western Database pre-christmas work, and also some issues in the Forum, unfortunately, I’m sure our man from Hollywood is busy up in Berlin yelling “aaaaction” into the ears of Brad Pitt and the other Basterds. We haven’t heard so much recently, but let me just mention that (we’ve seen from pictures, but there hasn’t been an official confirmation up till now) actress Annie-Sophie Franck shot her role as Mathilda last month, and Christian Berkel, a German actor, had his appearance as Eric the barkeeper in what I’m sure will become one of the most famous bar scenes ever. Paul Rust is one Basterd along with Omar Doom and Michael Bacall. Sam Jackson‘s involvement, as could be inferred from an interview he gave to The Hollywood Reporter this week, is anything but a sure thing, even though comments among the fans are already praising the choice of Sam as the narrator.
I also posted some thoughts about Pulp Fiction yesterday and asked for your comments and ideas, and I thought I’d publish one that I liked in particular. Rachel writes: “Every time I watch Pulp Fiction, I get a certain feeling inside that no other movie provides. Friends hate to watch it with me because i sit there and quote entire monologues, recall useless facts, and point out things in the background that nobody but me sees the significance of. The movie has changed the way i live, from the poster on my wall and the wallet in my pocket, to the way i speak and act, there is evidence of my love for the film in all aspects of my life. It is hands down my favorite film of all time, for many reasons. I shiver with excitement when Jules asks Brett if he reads the bible. I sit up in my seat, my face alive with anticipation as Vince stands over Mia with the needle. It is unlike anything made before it, and nothing made after will ever live up to it.” Thanks for your comments.