Tagged: Germany

Quentin Tarantino

Tarantino – The Bloody Genius BluRay Kritik

Es mag überraschen dass der erste echte Versuch, eine Doku über Quentin Tarantino zu drehen zu einem Zeitpunkt kommt wo dieser – nach eigenen Aussagen – wohl nach nur einem weiteren Film in Ruhestand geht (jedenfalls...

The Hateful Eight Review (70mm Roadshow)

Cold wind grabs a small group of men, their coats only a mediocre protection from the freezing winter temperatures. Berlin. January 26, 2016. We stand in line for the red carpet premiere of the 70mm Roadshow...

Germany: Tarantino BluRay shopping guide

Der Quentin Tarantino Archives BluRay Einkaufsführer  (This article is in German) Alles wird neu aufgelegt, und im Jungel von Neuauflagen, Steelbooks, Special Editions und Mediamarkt Wühlware kennt sich eh keiner mehr aus. Man steht dann im...

Monday news round-up

Monday news round-up

Happy monday everyone. While I still don’t have a personal broadband connection, at least I found the time to plant myself (“I said plant, plants don’t talk”) in the library and sift through the millions of...

Basterds start training

Basterds start training

From what we can gather, rehearsing on Inglorious Basterds started today, after a joint dinner with cast and crew in Berlin yesterday, that was well-received by some paparazzis (we suspect pictures of a drunk Til Schweiger...

Planet Terror banned in Germany

Planet Terror banned in Germany

Infected People don’t get much lovin’ from the German film ratings board these days. The BPJS, the Germany regulatory body where the buck stops in terms of film ratings has decided to classify Robert Rodriguez‘ splatter...