Chatting about Quentin on BBC radio
Last night, I joined Colin Murray’s late night radio talk show on BBC 5 live on his segment on fan talk, and the topic this time around was Quentin Tarantino. Colin also brought in some more guests and we talked about Quentin’s movies, inspiration, the music, costumes even, his last movie and more. It was a fun chat, even though I am not sure if my answers were all spot on, but that’s the thing with unscripted live radio. I was delighted to also hear from Dale Sherman, who wrote the excellent Tarantino FAQ book, and Colin brought on Mark Beaumont who talked about the music and Claudio Alves who talked about the costumes, he wrote an article on the best costumes in his films. Thanks to Rudy, Colin and the other guests!
You can listen in for the next 20 days or so. Starts at the 2:05 hour mark. Click here to head over there.