Tarantino’s Star Trek – it’s all happening!
You’ve either been sleeping under a rock these last few days – or you’ve already read all of this, because you’re following us on Facebook and Twitter or you read Deadline regularly. So not only is...
You’ve either been sleeping under a rock these last few days – or you’ve already read all of this, because you’re following us on Facebook and Twitter or you read Deadline regularly. So not only is...
Quentin Tarantino came on Jay Leno’s Tonight Show yesterday, and not only did he introduce the super cool graphic novel that tells the entire story of Django Unchained, and not only did he try food and...
You’ve probably read them. They’re everywhere. Headlines like “Get ready for Kill Bill Vol.3” or “Tarantino confirms Vol.3” etc. Why a I not running this story that way? Because it’s a non story. And I’ll tell...
Monday’s random commentary. While we would never go as far as calling him “Pitt-ler”, as some unfortunate editorial has done, and which we find inappropriate, we do fully support Brad Pitt‘s crusade of bringing back the...
What would be a good day to bring little children to a Tarantino film set, you might ask yourself (or probably not, since… why would you ask yourself that, but please let’s just assume you have...
I always wanted to write this headline. As Welt Online reports, the Inglourious Basterds security crew was using water cannons to fend of curious papparazzi at the current Fort Hahneberg (Spandau, Germany) set, where some sort...
Not exactly a quiet weekend on the Quentin front. First up, we’ve got some rather lurid gossipy material. A tape recording got leaked to the New York Post, which is essentially a conference call between Harvey...
From what we can gather, rehearsing on Inglorious Basterds started today, after a joint dinner with cast and crew in Berlin yesterday, that was well-received by some paparazzis (we suspect pictures of a drunk Til Schweiger...
Happy birthday, Michael Bodnarchek (click to find out a bit more about the co-founder of A Band Apart. TRIVIA). All the best!
Although we have not seen any papparazzi evidence of Quentin Tarantino attending last week’s Democratic National Convention (paps, you suck, where are you when we need you!?), he supposedly was there, and according to US News...
The film isn’t even in the can, it hasn’t even been cast yet, and already there’s a gazillion of websites quoting one (!!) German film critic, or one (!!) article in a respectable German newspaper about...
This is a sad week for online journalism. The internet is abuzz with B.S. rumors (stands for Bull Shit and also the initials of a dumbass former popsinger) and everyone just reprints/republishes them without using their...