Grindhouse theatrical release in Germany
While stumbling by Regensburg’s (Germany) Garbo theater the other night, I noticed a sign that said “Ab morgen: Grindhouse” (opening tomorrow: Grindhouse), so I went online this week, and I was positively surprised. The German theatrical release date for Grindhouse is in fact the 3rd of July, the movie is actually coming out! The particular theater is actually having an exclusive pre-premiere, and their website sais there will only be two copies of the film for the entire country! I will check to see if the movie is coming out in other countries as well and deliver an update tomorrow! (Deutsch:
Grindhouse kommt offiziell am 3. Juli in deutsche Kinos. Das Regensburger Garbo Kino scheint eine exklusive Vorpremiere zu halten und gibt auf deren Internetseite an, es werde für ganz Deutschland nur 2 Kopien in Zirkulation geben. Mal sehen ob noch mehr Länder in den Genuss kommen.