Hope we can believe in – Tarantino talks Kill Bill redux

Not all hope is lost my friends. After Quentin Tarantino revealed his top 20 favorites both in the Spaghetti Western and in the grindhouse genre (“That grindhouse list made me start coming up with mine! But it’s a good list…there’s a lot of films that … are on here.”  he said), I started asking some long nagging questions. I felt as the ambassador of the fan community, I should ask what is going on with that long-overdue “integral” edition of Kill Bill, be it theatrically or on DVD. Let me take that back, actually I asked where that Kill Bill script on paperback was and Quentin assured me that it will come out in a longer version, he’s just been putting the whole movie aside for a while. As you might know, the integral version of Kill Bill that was shown once in Cannes, is no longer what you’ll eventually see, at least not completely.

“We’ve actually added some things to it. We did a whole little chapter that I wrote and designed for the animated sequence, that we never did, because we figured, back when it was gonna be one big movie, it was going to be too long, so we didn’t do it. So when we were talking about re-releasing it, they asked is there anything you can put in, and I said no I put everything in there, but… there’s one sequence that we wouldn’t even have to shoot! So we got together with Production IG and did it, and it’s really cool. So it’s this little seven minute sequence, it’s really cool, it’s in the O-Ren chapter.” – Quentin Tarantino

The version in Cannes was the way it will be, recut to be one movie, with an intermission, as supposed to two seperate ones with the cliffhanger and the tags. “It’s more like a big 60s movie with the intermission. Oh, you’ll just have to see it!” he laughs. Of course DVD release plans and all that stuff on the business end is potentially outside the influence of a director, but knowing that it’s on the way is definitely better than speculating. The Quentin Tarantino Archives will keep you posted on the development. We’ve seen conceptual artwork of the DVD case a year ago at the ComiCon, we know what Quentin has to say about it, so with some more patience we’ll have this WHOLE BLOODY AFFAIR in our hands at some point. Stay tuned for more

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Sebastian is the founder and owner of the Tarantino Archives and has been a fan and observer of QT for over two decades now, cherishing his work and the window in the the wider world of cinema his movies have opened up. Inspired as such, he runs the Spaghetti Western Database (SWDb), the Grindhouse Cinema Database (GCDb), Furious Cinema, its German sister Nischenkino and The Robert Rodriguez Archives. He lives in Berlin.

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