Tagged: Script

Jackie Brown screenplay

Jackie Brown screenplay

Tarantino’s Jackie Brown script. Some editions include pictures. On Paperback: From Amazon.com | Bei Amazon.de | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.ca | Amazon.fr

Four Rooms screenplay

Four Rooms screenplay

The original screenplay for Four Rooms by Allison Anders, Alexandre Rockwell, Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino. If you need a book to read for new years eve, get this! Screenplay not currently available as download. On Paperback: At Amazon.com | Bei...

My Best Friend’s Birthday Transcript

My Best Friend’s Birthday Transcript

The following text is a home-made transcript of MY BEST FRIEND’S BIRTHDAY. Please note that it might contain errors and also note that this film was never finished and remaining parts of it were destroyed. The transcript...

Reservoir Dogs screenplay

Reservoir Dogs screenplay

Screenplay not currently available as download. The original screenplay of Reservoir Dogs by Quentin Tarantino. Depending on the issue you get, it has an introduction and it has some of the characters a bit mixed up,...

About that untitled 2011 Quentin Tarantino project

About that untitled 2011 Quentin Tarantino project

It all happened rather quickly. First the news that his long-awaited Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair will finally premiere in LA’s New Beverly Cinema this month as part of a Tarantino-programmed exploitation and classic film...

With Inglorious Bastards back to Miramax?

With Inglorious Bastards back to Miramax?

Wow, news breaks faster than anyone can possibly defend the Weinsteins against their critics. Hollywood’s number script news femme fatale scriptgirl reports that Quentin Tarantino‘s amazing script for Inglorious Bastards (check out our forum for an...