Quentin’s top 20 favorite Spaghetti Westerns
For some reason I cut my finger last night, and all I could think of was “Basterds!”, which now seems to be in my vocabulary for situations like that. But let me get to the point, dear readers. Someone in the forums said he will pre-cream his pants over what I’m gonna write about now and the coming days and weeks, so I guess a word of warning is appropriate. Our sister project, The Spaghetti Western Database, and Quentin’s favorite website on the internet aside from porn, does have something we call the Essential Top 20 Films of the genre, which is a list compiled through a complicated formula from our community. Quentin is aware of that list, but his personal list does not match ours very well.
So without further fucking around here, please enjoy, exclusively at The SWDB: Quentin Tarantino’s Top 20 favorite Spaghetti Westerns (click), the first in a series of exclusive goodies, so stay tuned and spread the word! (Update: Click here to discuss)
No way Rio Bravo is not on the list!
Yes way, because Rio Bravo is not a spaghetti western. duh
quentin tarantino should do a western i think that will be the best thing he ever did in his life
no Keoma?
go to facebook clips of almeria spain and you-tube to see clips of shoot out on the farm I filmed some shots a couple of weeks ago at gettysburg I soon will have them up. its really hard trying to produce a spaghetti western like my movie script ” dos pistolas son mas rapida que una” I went to italy a couple of weeks ago couldn’t even get in the cinecetta movie studio I wonder is the genre dead someone out there tell me. maybe a trip to hollywood or a film festival is in order for me
Il buono, il brutto e il cattivo!
You are great!!
Hello from Italy!
jake wtf are you on cause i want some ! quinton is one of the greatest film makers of all time !
I always like so much “a fistfull of dollar”…than I hope if quentin make a western, will work with morricone….the sounds ar so important in a film!!!!!!!!!
I only Saw Once Up On A Time In The west
and it was fun
I'm happy to hear that.
Spaghetti-Westerns are comming back.
Hellbenders needs to be in the top 20 dude! One of THE best!!!! Gotta love Joseph Cotton!
I think he’s proud of his italian heritage and loves movies of directors who are of italian heritage too…
Bye Sally
hey mustang sally is the spaghetti western genre dead? I went to italy with my script I couldn’t even get into cinectta movie studio a few weeks ago. I was out in gettyburg filming some scenes. go to facebook or you-tube johnny9148 to see clips ” shoot out on the farm” almeria spain too. my movie script ” dos pistolas son mas rapida que una” would make a good film maybe a film festival or a trip to hollywood is in order my other passion in the black horse my regiment in nam a story to show the struggle of the vietnam veteran in soceity how he struggles to live with mental and emotional and physical problems adio
no new spaghetti westerns need to be made the classics need to be left alone, already over 300 were made.
no new spaghetti westerns need to be made the classics need to be left alone, already over 300 were made.