Tagged: Planet Terror



Grindhouse is a 2007 double feature film experience created by Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino, comprised of their two movies Planet Terror and Death Proof, along with a number of fake trailers and other visual additions that aim at recreating the grindhouse/drive-in...

Grindhouse out on BluRay, DVD only in Canada

Grindhouse out on BluRay, DVD only in Canada

Grindhouse (the theatrical experience of April 2007 with versions of Planet Terror and Death Proof previously unseen on home video, including fake trailers Machete, Don’t, Thanksgiving, Werewolf Women of the SS) is out on BluRay today!...

Interview with Robert Rodriguez

Interview with Robert Rodriguez

A Conversation with Robert Rodriguez – recorded by Sebastian on March 26, 2007 in Los Angeles, California. This transcript has been edited for clarity and space constraints. Pieces might have been omitted from the actual conversation,...

Planet Terror banned in Germany

Planet Terror banned in Germany

Infected People don’t get much lovin’ from the German film ratings board these days. The BPJS, the Germany regulatory body where the buck stops in terms of film ratings has decided to classify Robert Rodriguez‘ splatter...

A Grindhouse christmas

A Grindhouse christmas

What’s better than a bunch of great flicks under the christmas tree? Your younger siblings are in bed, you had a christmas dinner, and then you pop a great DVD into the player and enjoy a...

Planet Terror premiere this weekend

Planet Terror premiere this weekend

In the lovely city of Locarno, Switzerland, part of the annual Filmfestival there, Planet Terror will be screened this Sunday, August 5th. Robert Rodriguez and Rose McGowan, and others, will be there. And The Quentin Tarantino...

It does not look good for Grindhouse

It does not look good for Grindhouse

Hello there, yours truly, Seb here. Just returned from my 5th time seeing Grindhouse with yet another bunch of buddies who all went ecstatic about the film. Too bad it still isn’t making too much money....