Category: Archives



Grindhouse is a 2007 double feature film experience created by Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino, comprised of their two movies Planet Terror and Death Proof, along with a number of fake trailers and other visual additions that aim at recreating the grindhouse/drive-in...

Kill Bill soundtrack

Kill Bill soundtrack

This page lists all music tracks from both Volumes of Kill Bill along with necessary information. This is taken from our message board topics, special thanks to members of our community from back then for this work. Titles are...

Honda Civic

Honda Civic

The car Butch drives in Pulp Fiction and Jackie drives in Jackie Brown. The same 1980 Honda Civic can also been seen on the parking lot of My Oh My‘s in Kill Bill: Volume 2. Reportedly this was either Tarantino’s own car or the care he...

The My Oh My Stripclub

The My Oh My Stripclub

Fictional Strip Club featured in Kill Bill: Volume 2 owned by Larry Gomez (Larry Bishop). Budd (Michael Madsen) is the bouncer/janitor in the club. Jay (Sid Haig) is the barkeeper. Some of the strippers include Trixie and Rocket.

Venessia Valentino

Venessia Valentino

American actress who appeared in movies such as Home Alone 2 and Gridlock’d or television series like Doogie Howser, Married With Children, Chicago Hope, The Practice and The Guardian. Tarantino Films

Richard N. Gladstein

Richard N. Gladstein

Richard Gladstein is an American film producer. Tarantino films he produced are The Hateful Eight, Jackie Brown, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs.

Sally Menke

Sally Menke

Sally Menke was an American film editor (December 17, 1953 – September 27, 2010) and Tarantino’s long term collaborator. Selected Filmography: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Heaven and Earth, Mulholland Falls, All The Pretty Horses. Tarantino Films...