Quentin Tarantino named celebrity monarch of Krewe of Orpheus parade

Short news flash. The last time Quentin Tarantino left a mark in New Orleans, was when he shot some scenes of Django Unchained there. This time, he will return to Mardi Gras, and ride with one of the parades through the city.

As Nola.com reports, he will ride as the celebrity monarch of the Krewe of Orpheus parade March 3, the day before Mardi Gras.

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Sebastian is the founder and owner of the Tarantino Archives and has been a fan and observer of QT for over two decades now, cherishing his work and the window in the the wider world of cinema his movies have opened up. Inspired as such, he runs the Spaghetti Western Database (SWDb), the Grindhouse Cinema Database (GCDb), Furious Cinema, its German sister Nischenkino and The Robert Rodriguez Archives. He lives in Berlin.