Inglourious Basterds is out in theaters – and business is a-boomin’

Basterds(Updated) – So, have you been to the movies yet? Go see Inglourious Basterds, you basterds. Personally, I will probably go tonight and see the movie for the third time, this time with a “regular” audience. I’m excited. I’m gonna give you another run-down of Basterds news, reports, reviews and the like, below. But have you clicked here and seen our Basterds soundtrack giveaway? Don’t miss winning a 7″ vinyl!

If you’ve seen those awesome Kill Bill posters in recent years, or the Hell Ride poster, or if you’re a frequent Mondo Tees shopper, you probably know who Tyler Stout is. He made some Basterds posters (limited to about 400 pieces I think) that you can check out here. The LA Times has a nice article about Basterds here,  and a gallery about “tough jews in cinema” right here. Ropeofsilicon has a nice list of cool Tarantino characters, to mix this wrap-up a bit. Wearemoviegeeks has some great Tarantino dialogue on display. And can you imagine a world without Tarantino movies?  I can’t. The MSN movie blog has a great interview with Quentin (also found this at Kim Morgan’s personal blog, she’s the interviewer). OregonLive has a nice article on Tarantino, too. CNN’s Screening Room has an article on the much-heralded Chris Waltz, and so does AICN, while Slashfilm has an interview up with Eli Roth, Joblo has him talking about Thanksgiving already. But they also have a video interview with Samm Levine. Click here to read a bit about Tarantino’s favorite war movies, and head over to Vulture magazine’s smack-down between Castellari’s Bastards and Tarantino’s Basterds. Fangoria has a great interview with Quentin Tarantino.

Okay now, DailyNews give the movie 4/5 stars (review) – they also have another nice article and interview here, just like the Washington Examiner (review) and the News-Democrat (review). LaSalle at the Chronicle calls it QT’s best movie (review). Roper gives it 4.5/5 stars (review) and his pal Roger Ebert gives it 4 stars as well (review). The Local gives an overview over the mostly very positive reviews by German critics. Firstshowing calls it Tarantino’s masterpiece (review). Slashfilm, while having their reservations about a few aspects of the film, give it a solid 7/10 points (review). Bill Goodykoontz at the Arizona Republic gives it a whoppin’ 4/5 stars (review) and calls Chris Waltz “so good he can (and does) creep you out by merely asking for a glass of milk.”

I expect to get more reviews in during the course of the day, and I will update this spot rather than post a new article, so watch out :)

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Sebastian is the founder and owner of the Tarantino Archives and has been a fan and observer of QT for over two decades now, cherishing his work and the window in the the wider world of cinema his movies have opened up. Inspired as such, he runs the Spaghetti Western Database (SWDb), the Grindhouse Cinema Database (GCDb), Furious Cinema, its German sister Nischenkino and The Robert Rodriguez Archives. He lives in Berlin.

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