Did you know we blog?

QuentinActually this is a blog, too, but I want to keep this as much news-related as possible. But The Quentin Tarantino Archives has a real blog as well. One, that goes beyond and below news, dives into gossip, does commentary, or just generally banters… and mostly that’s just me writing. But I plan on improving it as I get more feedback on it. And when I know people read it, it might motivate me to work on it even more. So I invite you all to head over to the Tarantino Archives Blog and check it out, then SEND your feedback. Enjoy!

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Sebastian is the founder and owner of the Tarantino Archives and has been a fan and observer of QT for over two decades now, cherishing his work and the window in the the wider world of cinema his movies have opened up. Inspired as such, he runs the Spaghetti Western Database (SWDb), the Grindhouse Cinema Database (GCDb), Furious Cinema, its German sister Nischenkino and The Robert Rodriguez Archives. He lives in Berlin.

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