The following is a visual guide to the many locations used in Reservoir Dogs. Click images to enlarge.
Pat and Lorraine’s Coffee Shop – 4720 Eagle Rock Blvd. Eagle Rock, CA.
The Dogs are seen having breakfast here before the opening credits
The Warehouse/Mr. Orange‘s apartment – 5860 Figueroa Blvd. – Los Angeles, CA.
This is where most of the drama takes place. Mr. Orange’s apartment was directly above. The building is no longer there today.
Johnies Coffee Shop – 6101 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA.
Mr. Orange/Freddy meets with Holdaway to discuss his job infiltrating Joe‘s gang. No longer there.
Karina’s Diamonds – 2612 W. Burbank Blvd, Burbank, CA.
The location of the heist we never actually see. Mr. White and Mr. Orange park across street to map out plan.
Mr. White shoots Cops in alleyway – 5522 Marmion Way, Los Angeles, CA.
After Mr. Brown crashes the getaway car, Mr White shoots some of the police who are pursuing them.
Mr. Pink running down street with diamonds.- 5107 York Blvd. Los Angeles, CA.
Graffiti Mural – 2nd St & Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles, CA.
Mr. Orange and Holdaway go over the Commode Story.