Four Rooms screenplay

The original screenplay for Four Rooms by Allison Anders, Alexandre Rockwell, Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino. If you need a book to read for new years eve, get this!

Four Rooms screenplay

Screenplay not currently available as download.

  • ISBN: 0786881410
  • Publisher: Miramax Books
  • Pages: 212

On Paperback: At | Bei | At | At | Avec


Heidi Vogel (producer) about the Film (from The idea was conceptually unoriginal but the actual screenplay turned out to be a magical thing that could not, with all our trying, become what it was in the text; An imaginative piece where all involved brought something worthy to the table. The film which it subsequently became is not even on par with what we could call a “movie”. A mess is more the truth. Rodriguez’ segment is the only worth viewing and then Quentin’s second only because this was still when he was hot and feeling like the character he portrayed. ‘Jackie Brown’ humbled him. I know it did. The screenplay is a stand-alone and should be approached as such. Do not view the film once done. This diminishes all previous effort.