
True Romance BluRay

True Romance BluRay review (Arrow)

I finally got my hands on a copy of Arrow Video’s release of True Romance last fall (I only got around to reviewing it now). Unfortunately not the 4K UltraHD (but I plan on getting it),...

Inglourious Basterds 4K UltraHD BluRay

Inglourious Basterds 4K Ultra HD BluRay

A few weeks ago we wrote at length about the amazing UK release of True Romance, and now we have the pleasure of writing about the world-wide release of Inglourious Basterds on 4K Ultra HD BluRay,...

Quentin Tarantino

QT8 – The First Eight review

It’s almost surprising that the first true attempt at a documentary about Quentin Tarantino comes at at time where – according to the man himself – he is just one more movie away from retirement (at...

Quentin Tarantino

Tarantino – The Bloody Genius BluRay Kritik

Es mag überraschen dass der erste echte Versuch, eine Doku über Quentin Tarantino zu drehen zu einem Zeitpunkt kommt wo dieser – nach eigenen Aussagen – wohl nach nur einem weiteren Film in Ruhestand geht (jedenfalls...