Jackie Brown trivia
Fun facts and trivia from Jackie Brown.
Fun facts and trivia from Jackie Brown.
The BBC Omnibus series broadcast a profile documentary on Quentin Tarantino in 1994 as Pulp Fiction hit the UK screens. It includes interviews with many of collaborators. It’s shot in part in Quentin Tarantino’s Hollywood apartment and the...
This page is about trivia and fun facts about Reservoir Dogs. Trivia Director trademarks Dutch references The film in chronological order
Our collection of Tarantino movie and pop culture reference guides Guides Directory See also: Quentin Tarantino’s Trademarks: Style, techniques, camera angle and shots, props, fake brands, characters, casting…
This page is about movie and pop culture references in Reservoir Dogs. Click here for our directory of movie references guides. Celebrities Movies Pop Culture References
Years have passed, and “Closing the gaps” is back. Isn’t it marvelous? :) I decided for the fourth installment after this long break to have a closer look at Quentin Tarantino‘s notorious cameo in the classic...
There are already lively discussions in our forums about what movies influenced Quentin‘s new film and what films might be referred to through direct mentioning, character names or other aspects. One central cinematic influence on Tarantino...