It does not look good for Grindhouse
Hello there, yours truly, Seb here. Just returned from my 5th time seeing Grindhouse with yet another bunch of buddies who all went ecstatic about the film. Too bad it still isn’t making too much money....
Hello there, yours truly, Seb here. Just returned from my 5th time seeing Grindhouse with yet another bunch of buddies who all went ecstatic about the film. Too bad it still isn’t making too much money....
Still rocking. Grindhouse kicking ass right now at The Quentin Tarantino Archives, and we’re bringing you another interview transcript from the Grindhouse cast… This time, smokin’ hot Sydney Tamiia Poitier (yeah the one with the hot...
Better late than never, and as promised, our Grindhouse coverage continues. After you’ve enjoyed our previous interviews, it is now time to turn to Stuntman Mike (what, you don’t know who that is? apparently you haven’t...
This website started, in some form or another, back in 1999. Ever since then, The Quentin Tarantino Archives was committed to provide everything there is to know about Quentin Tarantino. And there is still work ahead....
Just when you thought it’s not coming, we put it online, read Volume 2 of our exclusive conversation with Quentin Tarantino at the wiki. CLICK HERE TO READ . Enjoy (next will be an interview with...
And our Grind House coverage continues, with and exclusive interview with Rose McGowan. Just to get your appetite up, the next interview will be the much anticipated conversation with Quentin Tarantino. In the meantime…. Sebastian: So...
As a little extra, I have uploaded the Weinstein Company’s Grindhouse production notes to the wiki for your reading pleasure. It is a 55 page text with lots of quotes and information. I have to go...
One of the great things sitting on my desk these days is the Grindhouse companion book. Titled “The sleaze-filled saga of an exploitation double feature”, this hardcover book takes you behind the scenes, gives you all...
Stay tuned for the most exciting content since’s existance…. COMING SOON: – Exclusive interviews with Quentin Tarantino (where he talks about everything, including this website), Robert Rodriguez (who will tell us why QT didn’t shoot...
A new, more mainstream trailer was just released. Check it out on Youtube HERE In the meantime, we would like to point your attention once again towards our forums and our wiki. Despite the fact that...
After the considerable anger in the community a few years ago over the split of Kill Bill into two Volumes, the recent rumors and news about a possible split of Grind House requires both some comments...