Category: Movies

Film pages in the wiki



Grindhouse is a 2007 double feature film experience created by Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino, comprised of their two movies Planet Terror and Death Proof, along with a number of fake trailers and other visual additions that aim at recreating the grindhouse/drive-in...

Kill Bill soundtrack

Kill Bill soundtrack

This page lists all music tracks from both Volumes of Kill Bill along with necessary information. This is taken from our message board topics, special thanks to members of our community from back then for this work. Titles are...

Melanie Ralston

Melanie Ralston

Melanie Ralston is a character played by Bridget Fonda in Jackie Brown. Melanie is one of Ordell Robbie‘s many girlfriends around the Southern California area. She spends most of her time smoking pot and watching TV at Ordell’s beach house....

Max Cherry

Max Cherry

Max Cherry is a character played by Robert Forster in Jackie Brown. Max Cherry is a bail bondsman and he owns Max Cherry’s Bail Bonds. He and Jackie Brown become good friends in the film. Fun Quotes Trivia

Louis Gara

Louis Gara

Louis Gara is a character played by Robert De Niro in Jackie Brown. Louis is an ex-con and friend of Ordell Robbie, who puts him up at his beach house, where his girl Melanie resides. Fun Quotes