Epic new Django Unchained trailer hits
It was no secret. And yet it hits like a hammer. The new trailer for Quentin Tarantino‘s new christmas movie Django Unchained hits the web. The last trailers were all based on a very limited amount of footage as they explained, so this trailer includes moments from across the board, all phases of the story. On December 25th, a little over a week before the rest of the world receives the pleasure, Quentin’s southern epic gets unchained in movie theaters across the United States.
Check it out CLICK HERE FOR ITUNES VERSIONS, and share the news (best check out the HD version). Our review of the trailer further down:
Did that get you excited, you Basterds? I hope so. This movie is gonna be a whole lotta spaghetti western, Tarantino style. I have to say, when I first heard about this project I was not expecting this to be as epic, as huge, as ambitious and … unchained, as it is turning out to be. This is gonna be the greatest Christmas ever. What we especially love about this trailer is that it is a way more ambitious than the previous footage we have seen. This one has it all: the comic relief (is it a comedy?), the slow-motion (Sam Peckinpah is back!), the double long guns (The Outlaw Josey Whales), the absolutely amazing cinematography (pause the trailer in HD a few times, you get what I mean), the full-on Chris Waltz, a Leo DiCaprio you have never seen before, and if the trailer is any indication, a wild selection of soundtrack tunes that will get your inner Morricone juices flowing while biting your lips in excitement. Come on December 25th, come hither!
Oh my stars and garters! I know where I will be Christmas Day!!!
Whats the song from 00:09. Which film and scene is it from?
Hello from Greeceeeee !!!!! WOW !!!! Blew my mind !!! CLASSIC TARANTINOOOO !!!!! ^_^ !!!!! Just <3 it !!!! Go Quentin !!! :DDDDDDD
Cannot wait, this movie will detonate.
Heeeeelllll Yeahhhhh! Now that’s what i call cinema! I think this might just be his masterpiece. Booyah!
Nice I am counting the days dude , This is going to be great. Can’t wait.