Quentin Tarantino’s all-time top 12 favorite movies

There are lists, and then there are lists. According to Sight & Sound (as read on The Playlist) a number of directors polled rank a number of really great movies among their top favorites again this year. You might remember our own exclusive list of Quentin’s favorite Spaghetti Westerns and our list of Quentin’s favorite grindhouse flicks. Quentin himself is a great fan of lists, you may find his annual lists as well as certain genre lists, and he has notoriously named top lists in interviews and magazine coverage. Here is an update in the form of Sight and Sound’s 2012 top 12 favorite movies according to Quentin Tarantino:

Quentin Tarantino

Ten years have passed since, and interestingly, we also have a list of Sight and Sound’s poll from 2002, which Quentin answered as follows (can you spot the differences?):

Top 12 from Sight & Sound Top 10 Poll 2002

There are a few more of Quentin’s favorites lists, if you click here.

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Sebastian is the founder and owner of the Tarantino Archives and has been a fan and observer of QT for over two decades now, cherishing his work and the window in the the wider world of cinema his movies have opened up. Inspired as such, he runs the Spaghetti Western Database (SWDb), the Grindhouse Cinema Database (GCDb), Furious Cinema, its German sister Nischenkino and The Robert Rodriguez Archives. He lives in Berlin.

9 Responses

  1. scherpschutter says:

    It took me years to enjoy Hawks’ westerns, but finally I managed to do so, and today Rio Bravo is one of my favorite films. Seems QT has set a few steps in the opposite direction.

  2. Oriental says:

    I didn’t really like Rio Bravo, a too closed western in the scenery. I prefered a lot more The Seachers.

  3. Pete R says:

    I love both Searchers and Rio Bravo. But Bravo is def the lighter of the two. Its not as dark and disturbing as Searchers. I also find Bravo to be easier to rewatch as just an entertaining, action packed, funny cozy little “hangout” film as QT calls it.

  4. Sheikara says:

    I love “sorcerer!, “Dazed and Confused” “Taxi Driver” “Carrie”!

  5. Roulette says:

    How could you drop Rio Bravo??? That one scene with Dean Martin and the spittoon is pure brilliance. The man could act… And drink…

  6. thomas says:

    for us it´s better that he changed the list. So we can discover other favourite movies like the bad new bears, sorcerer …

  7. lenzi says:

    The 2002 is way more cooler.

  8. Glendon Hart says:

    I love it when Harriet walks in on Coffy and the strung out bitch! That’s right
    before we meet King George and his Yellow Leisure suit. What a scream

  9. Rocker453 says:

    The Good The Bad and The Ugly is beyond epic!