Stolz der Nation gets its own trailer
Who saw that coming? In the past we’ve posted some exclusive pictures of “Stolz der Nation” (Nation’s Pride), the Eli Roth-directed movie-in-the-movie that is somehow starring in Inglourious Basterds. Today a trailer hit the net that, even though it looks a bit “modern”, it shows some good footage of the propaganda flick. Click here to see the pictures we’ve posted in the past and find out more about it, or precede to to watch the trailer. AAAAND here’s the official website.
On a sidenote, there’s a new Basterds TV spot out, you can watch it HERE, it’s playing all across the US on your idiot box.
Even more interesting, you can now play a little Nazi-baseball over at the movie’s official soundtrack site, and try if you can beat our highscore of …. no just kidding, I terribly sucked at it. Try for yourself! To find out more about the soundtrack, check out our page on the soundtrack and feel free to pre-order it using our Amazon links (this greatly supports us). Dismissed, you Basterds!