New Inglourious Basterds posters

So here we go fellas, it continues…. Inglourious Basterds posters from Italy, Spain, France and the UK have hit the net and more are probably to come, click the poster below to get to our poster overview. It’s good to see Universal Pictures give the movie posters sort of a classic look, however personally I neither like the taglines nor the front-center photoshop cut-outs of the three characters… We hope to get higher quality images of those posters soon (we have hi-res of the Italian one for example), thanks to TarantinoSpain for the heads up…

Update: There’s also the new US poster (left), which is surely hanging around in a theater lobby close to you

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Sebastian is the founder and owner of the Tarantino Archives and has been a fan and observer of QT for over two decades now, cherishing his work and the window in the the wider world of cinema his movies have opened up. Inspired as such, he runs the Spaghetti Western Database (SWDb), the Grindhouse Cinema Database (GCDb), Furious Cinema, its German sister Nischenkino and The Robert Rodriguez Archives. He lives in Berlin.

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