Tarantino BluRay Christmas Madness
Dear readers, christmas is approaching fast, and even though in the previous years we had some sort of “shopping guide” for you, this year I’ll just point you to our BluRay movies list, which is essentially a page with all the Tarantino movies on BluRay so far. If you’re looking for something awesome to put under your christmas tree, look no further, you BluRay owners really have lots of opportunities this year. Please also, let us know what you think of our BluRay page, which is currently stand-alone, but we’re looking for ideas to incorporate it better into The Archives. Should we do sub-pages just like we do for DVD? Let us know! Please enjoy your christmas shopping, we’d most appreciate you using our various Amazon links everywhere and we hope that Santa Claus puts at least the BluRay version of Hell Ride under your tree, a movie that I can only imagine how great it would look in high definition. And don’t worry, for those of you who – like me – can’t afford neither BluRay nor a TV to start with, here’s our DVD section with lists of all available DVDs out there. Have you seen our Cafepress store?
If YOU are Santa Claus, then like every year, here are three of my Amazon wishlists, just in case you feel charitable this year: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.de