Happy holidays, you Basterds!

richardsonIf you’re a regular visitor of this website (which exists in some form or another since 1999 and there are still some regulars around, or so I hear) you know that I always make a big deal out of special occasions, and I get all chatty and write up little texts like this one here. Well, it’s that time of the year again! If you read this, then let me thank you for stopping by. The QTA can look back on yet another awesome year with lots of changes and cool stuff that happened. Not only did we perform another technical upgrade and changed lots of things, we’ve also massively (!!) improved the quality of the website, especially The Archives, the core of The Quentin Tarantino Archives. And most importantly, we’ve been following how a project called Inglorious Bastards, which hardly anyone knew anything about, transformed into Inglourious Basterds, the new epic movie that Quentin is currently shooting in Germany. Exciting times! There’s a lot ahead, and we here think that 2009 will be nothing short but awesome. I invite you to take a few minutes break from Christmas eve festivities and dive into The Archives. I’m constantly working on making that more surf-able and easier to navigate, and of course there’s such awesome content as our interview with QT from 2007, or the internet’s most famous movie references guides, and so on and so forth, the Inglourious Basterds pages at the helm! Many changes were also made to the Forums, which unfortunately haven’t gotten the technical upgrade I was hoping for, as the software is not yet ready, but that will be something for 2009 then. The coolest Tarantino fan community, and you’re part of it! Or are you? Sign up, it’s free, and it comes with the possibility to log into The Archives to edit pages there (no shit!). By the way, the Santa-like dude on the right (on the set in Paris) is none other than Robert Richardson, Quentin’s new partner in crime, and a magician behind the camera. Doesn’t he look a bit like Santa Claus? Anyways, I hope you spend some quality time with friends and family, or with a good movie, and I see you in a few days with either more Inglourious Basterds coverage, or some other cool stuff, we have a good supply of awesome stuff so that should be no problem. Leaves me to open Santa’s bag and hand out the gifts, right? Well buckle up now….

As a very special holiday gift to all you fans out there, here’s a little something straight from Santa Qlause (click to enlarge):


Merry christmas, happy holidays, all the best from THE QUENTIN TARANTINO ARCHIVES!! Cheers, Sebastian ( editor and founder). Ho ho ho!
(PS: Happy Holidays Q, P and all the other Basterds making this possible! You rock!)

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Sebastian is the founder and owner of the Tarantino Archives and has been a fan and observer of QT for over two decades now, cherishing his work and the window in the the wider world of cinema his movies have opened up. Inspired as such, he runs the Spaghetti Western Database (SWDb), the Grindhouse Cinema Database (GCDb), Furious Cinema, its German sister Nischenkino and The Robert Rodriguez Archives. He lives in Berlin.

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