Search The Quentin Tarantino Archives with Google
Ever since we migrated The Quentin Tarantino Archives‘ actual Archives (the core of this website, when you click The Archives up top in the little tabs), finding information on films, soundtracks or other things has become both easier and complicated at the same time. Easier, because all the mighty knowledge of lies at your fingertips and searching The Archives usually will bring you gigabytes of knowledge, but complicated because The Archives are separated from this Frontpage and also from the Forums, and The Archives’ built-in search engine, while powerful, is a very nerdy experience for most internet users. Tarantino fans rejoice, we have teamed up with the scarily allmighty Google to bring you superfast, super relevant and super easy search of The Archives. Without further yadayada head over to the QTA ReSearch page and find EVERYTHING TARANTINO in just a second. And I invite anyone who can’t find what he/she was looking for to send me an email and I find it for you. Promise!