Early Inglorious Bastards teaser poster leaked?

Today, the internets have washed ashore something that I would very cautiously describe as a potentially real but early draft test print-out (can I say this anymore cautiously?) of an Inglorious Bastards teaser poster. I’ve attached a small version of this to the right. You all know how cautious I usually am with rumors and other things, there were a few factors that let me determine that this was in fact worth posting considering the medium to high possibility of this one being rather real as opposed to fan-made. That’s all I’m gonna say about this, we’ll keep you posted on all further Inglorious Bastards developments of course, “right here, on K B I L L Y, the station where the 70s survived”.

On a sidenote, Quentin Tarantino is currently in Denver, Colorado attending the Democratic National Convention, thus destroying all past thoughts about how QT might not be politically interested. In a recent interview however, he said that the election would not matter, were he climinb his mount everest, by which he meant shooting Inglorious Bastards. Luckily the DNC is not in October.

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Sebastian is the founder and owner of the Tarantino Archives and has been a fan and observer of QT for over two decades now, cherishing his work and the window in the the wider world of cinema his movies have opened up. Inspired as such, he runs the Spaghetti Western Database (SWDb), the Grindhouse Cinema Database (GCDb), Furious Cinema, its German sister Nischenkino and The Robert Rodriguez Archives. He lives in Berlin.

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