Inglorious Bastards DVD out soon
Before you say “Hey are you insane, that movie hasn’t even started shooting!”, I’m talking about Castellari’s Inglorious Bastards here, Que Maledetto Treno Blindato, to be exact. The film is considered to be a Macaroni Combat cult classic, it is a very entertaining war movie (read my review here) with a great cast, and the fact that Quentin Tarantino wants to call his hommage to the genre Inglorious Bastards as well (some chose to denounce it as a remake already) and is great friends with Enzo G. Castellari himself, makes this movie all the more anticipated, especially in the United States where it has so far suffered from abysmal DVD releases. Severin Films will put an end to that, they are releasing the film in a 2 and 3 DVD way later this month. Next to the European releases, such as the German one by Koch Media and the British one by Optimum, which have been available for some time now and are just as uncut and remastered, this new American edition of the film will also feature the rare soundtrack (limited edition only) and exclusive features such as interviews with Castellari and QT (the one that made headlines a few days ago, because it is the one where Quentin Tarantino supposedly said Inglorious Bastards would be two movies, but in fact the interview is months older than the recent news that tell us it will be one movie not much longer than Pulp Fiction) as well as Fred Williamson, as reported here. Our sister project The Deuce has of course long had a weak spot for this particular gem, and you can head over there and check out posters, reviews and trailers for the original film, as well as an overview of the available DVD editions. Support us, use our Amazon links if you want. Enjoy discovering this classic!